By accessing the TopMusic for Artists interface, you can create new artist profiles. These will be the artist profiles directly visible on the platform, once at least one of the releases has been validated.
First connection
On your first connection, you are asked to add an artist to your space. If the artist you want to add is not already in the TopMusic artists list, you will have the possibility to create it.
Add a new artist
You can create a new profile at any time by clickingAdd a new artist in the drop-down menu at the top right. You will be offered to check among the list of TopMusic artists if the artist you want to add is not already present. If not, you can create their profile.
Remark : An artist will be visible in the application only if it is associated with a release.
By creating an artist profile, the artist (or his representative) certifies that he adheres to the TopMusic profession of faith.
In addition, with each deposit of new releases, the person making the deposit certifies that:
- all the content deposited (text of all the songs + visual) is in line with all the points of the profession of faith and respects our moral charter
- the artist profile is up to date and therefore the artist adheres to the profession of faith
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